Analysis of innovation potential of companies

The analysis of innovation potential enables companies with international ambitions to discover new opportunities and also to effectively plan and implement steps that will lead to company growth.

The department of business development offers companies a structured interview with the owner / management of the company, in which the company gains an independent view of its business, documents and valuable advice for creating an effective business strategy.

The strategic goal of the company and the ways to achieve it, sources of innovation incentives or the possibilities of cooperation with partners in the development of innovations are consulted. TC Prague experts can provide references to diverse business plans, due to the wide range of areas they deal with in the field of technology transfer.

Get an independent view of your business.


Jiří Vavřínek,, 234 006 217

Our services

Analysis of innovation potential of companies

„Scale-up your business“ mentoring program

TC Runway: incubator with accelerator program

Consultancy on grant programs

Intellectual property rights consultancy

Readiness for digitalization

Financial consultancy

ESA Technology Broker

International database of offers and demands

Cooperation meetings, company missions, foreign trade fairs

Technology and knowledge transfer

Participation in projects