MEDICA Healthcare Brokerage Event 2021



On the occasion of the MEDICA 2020 trade fair, which did not take place physically, ZENIT GmbH together with the partners of the Enterprise Europe Network (TC AS CR) launched an international virtual networking platform, which will offer space for pre-arranged online meetings in 2021.

The aim is to assist enterprises, universities and research institutions in finding partners worldwide for product development, manufacturing and licensing agreements, distribution partnerships, research cooperation, joint ventures, financing/investment, public buyers or other types of partnership.

Due to the covid crisis and the impossibility of holding these events in physical form, participation fees will be reduced in 2021 and further improvements will be made for investors and importers.

Registration fees:

  • 200 Euro- Companies, associations, research institutions, etc. (non-EEN territories)
  • 100 Euro– Companies, associations, research institutions, etc. (EEN)
  • 50 Euro -Start-Ups (EEN, established on or after 1.1.2017)
  • 0 Euro – Investors, business angels
  • 0 Euro – Importers/distributors and public buyers

Dates are announced for bilateral meetings for 2021:

  • 11.3.2021
  • 29.3.2021

More info here.



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Workshop Access2Markets

When: 4/21/2021 09:00 - 13:00


Wind, Renewable and Smart Energy Matchmaking 2021

When: 3/16/2021 - 3/17/2021


Our services

Analysis of innovation potential of companies

„Scale-up your business“ mentoring program

TC Runway: incubator with accelerator program

Consultancy on grant programs

Intellectual property rights consultancy

Readiness for digitalization

Financial consultancy

ESA Technology Broker

International database of offers and demands

Cooperation meetings, company missions, foreign trade fairs

Technology and knowledge transfer

Participation in projects