BE @Smart Manufacturing Matchmaking 2020



Brokerage Event@Smart Manufacturing Matchmaking 2020 provides a unique opportunity to meet scientists, researchers and company managers who are working in the area of Smart Manufacturing and Industry 4.0. It is also an important opportunity to stay updated on the latest matching advanced technologies, innovation demand from institutions and cities, new applications from SMEs, and technical challenges faced by large companies.

BE@SMM 2020 Main Topics:

  • Digital Twin
  • Industrial Internet of Things
  • Applications of Virtual/Augmented/Mixed Reality in Industry
  • Big data Analytics
  • Cyber Physical Systems
  • Simulation
  • Autonomous Robot
  • AI & Machine Learning for Industrial applications
  • Additive Manufacturing
  • Cyber security and Cloud
  • Human Machine interfaces
  • Human to Machine cooperation
  • Predictive Maintenance
  • System integration
  • Autonomous production

Registration is until 19 November.

More information here.



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Our services

Analysis of innovation potential of companies

„Scale-up your business“ mentoring program

Acceleration Program "Business Runway"

Consultancy on grant programs

Intellectual property rights consultancy

Readiness for digitalization

Financial consultancy

ESA Technology Broker

International database of offers and demands

Cooperation meetings, company missions, foreign trade fairs

Technology and knowledge transfer

Participation in projects