NATO DIANA announces challenges for 2024

The NATO Defense Accelerator DIANA launched the 2nd year of technology challenges. DIANA represents a key alliance tool for the search and support of technology companies with a focus on start-ups in the field of breakthrough and emerging dual-use technologies with a defense application.

Challenges for 2024 are announced in 5 areas:

  • Energetics
  • Data and information security
  • Sensing and sensorics
  • Human health and performance
  • Critical infrastructure and logistics

At the same time, intersection areas are also identified within the technological areas:

  • space technology
  • endurance
  • sustainability

Within DIANA, you can get:

  • Direct financial grant (€100,000, up to €300,000 in case of success and advancement to the second phase)
  • Access to NATO markets
  • An opportunity to test the technology
  • Involvement in an acceleration program and a network of mentors and experts from business, state administration, and the military environment
  • Connection with investors and defense industry companies
  • Possibility of subsequent investment from the NATO Innovation Fund

Applications can be submitted until August 9, 2024 on the official DIANA website.

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